Registration for the XV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers

Note: please use the conference template when preparing the abstract!

Privacy policy

Consent for the transfer of personal data. By accepting this Statement of Acceptance for the Processing of Personal Data to the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers (CSCE) and the transfer of your personal data through these web pages, you acknowledge that you have read and understood all the information in the same and that the CSCE as the Processor of Personal Data Collection, 4 handles and uses your personal information in accordance with the Law on Associations (Croatian Official Gazette 74/14) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR – EU Regulation 2016/679), for the purpose of keeping records for administration and management of services. You hereby explicitly state that you are over 18 years of age and may legally give the acceptance to process your personal information as stated in this Statement. By using this web site, visitors who are natural persons give explicit consent to the CSCE for collection and processing of their personal data which they make available within their applications or any other attached documents including lecture or poster abstracts. Consent for collection and processing of personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Act on Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation, is given exclusively for the administrative purposes in connection to the XV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers. The aforementioned data cannot be used for any other purpose. All natural persons can get information on the processing of their personal data, file a complaint regarding the processing of their personal data or at any moment withdraw consent for processing of their personal data without providing additional explanations by recalling the consent in writing to the e-mail address: Personal data and any other data can only be used in the manner prescribed by these Terms and Conditions of Use. Using data for any other purpose (copying, transcribing, distribution, etc.) without the consent of the CSCE and the Conference’s Participant, especially for mass distribution of third-party announcements, promotional messages and similar information, is strictly forbidden. The CSCE shall notify competent authorities of any activity that is in violation of the aforementioned ban.

The Full Personal Data Protection Policy can be found here: HERE (in Croatian).